Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Above The Clouds

Another trip to Brisbane, another blood transfusion  and more basting.  This time time I managed to baste  260 half  inch hexies in travelling time and waiting  time.

Unfortunately,  I  forgot to take a photo of the little darlings. But have once again commenced  sewing the diamonds together for for the  Insanity  Quilt.

When I  departed Brisbane it was overcast,  we flew through the clouds to start  with, then above the clouds.

It was rather magical,  the photo do not do it justice.

Next trip away will be almost the end of November,  so hopefully I will get some serious machine sewing time in on my days off.  I have a few smallish projects I would like to undertake.  Will divulge more when the time comes!

Thank you for taking time to stop by.
 Happy stitching.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Back Home Again

Arrived back home abot half past noon on Friday.

This is what some of the country looks like surrounding  Cloncurry.  Notice the green? Isn't it fantastic?  Amazing  what a little rain can do. Let's hope it  continues throughout the wet, and we get a decent wet season.

Of course I would  not let a chance slip by, so between  the  train trip to the airport  and the flight home, I  managed  to baste another 61 hexies for my  Insanity  Quilt.
I am so desperately  wanting to sew some of my diamonds together , but seeing as my Insanity Quilt  is scrappy, I  have to wait until all my diamonds are sewn together,  as I  don't  want all the purples, for example  to be clustered  together.

Thank you for taking time to stop by.
 Happy stitching. Sharon